The core features Deepchecks LLM Evaluation has to offer. Updated continuously so stay tuned.
Here you will find an elaborate overview of the core functionalities that make our solution standout, each relevant in different phases in the application's lifecycle, from research to production, enabling you to build and deploy high quality LLM-based applications in an efficient manner.
This section includes the following core features:
How to best utilize the automatic scoring for your data, giving your interactions accurate "thumbs up" and "thumbs down". No more manual annotations needed!

How to check the performance of the different versions you're experimenting with (be it different prompts, retrieval strategies or adding additional data sources, and/or switching the base model of an application), see which is better and how they differ
Quickly understand what's wrong in your application and how to fix it.

See your application's behavior overtime.

Including AI-Assisted Annotations, Evaluation Set Creation & Management, Pentesting, Topic Detection, Translation.
Updated 9 days ago