Code Snippets: Full Examples
Ready-to-go end-to-end code snippets for common operations.
The code snippets on this page are intended for a straightforward RAG use case using mock data. For a more comprehensive demonstration, please refer to the Q&A Demo: GVHD Use Case or check out Data Upload for additional and advanced data uploading options.
For more details about SDK functions and arguments check out the full Python SDK Reference
Creating an Application and Uploading an Evaluation Set
import pandas as pd
from deepchecks_llm_client.client import DeepchecksLLMClient
from deepchecks_llm_client.data_types import EnvType, LogInteraction, ApplicationType
APP_NAME = "DemoApp"
# download data and read as csv
df = pd.read_csv('')
# Init SDK's client and create an application
dc_client = DeepchecksLLMClient(api_token=DEEPCHECKS_LLM_API_KEY)
dc_client.create_application(APP_NAME, app_type=ApplicationType.QA) # `app_type` will be used as default ineraction type for interactions inside application
# Log a batch of 97 samples used as the evaluation set to the Deepchecks platform
interactions = [
LogInteraction(user_interaction_id=idx, input=row["input"],
information_retrieval=row["information_retrieval"], output=row["output"],
custom_props={'Question Type': row['cp_Question Type']},
annotation="Good", # If annotations are unknown, remove this argument.
) for idx, row in df.iterrows()]
dc_client.log_batch_interactions(app_name=APP_NAME, version_name="Ground Truth",
env_type=EnvType.EVAL, interactions=interactions)
Evaluating a New Version
from datetime import datetime
# Retrieve the evaluation set inputs
evaluation_set = dc_client.get_data(
app_name=APP_NAME, version_name="Ground Truth", env_type=EnvType.EVAL)
interactions = []
# Run v1 version pipeline on the evaluation set
for _, row in evaluation_set.iterrows():
start_time =
rephrased_input = rephrase(row['input'])
retrieved_documents = v1_retrieval_func(rephrased_input)
output = v1_llm_pipeline(rephrased_input, retrieved_documents)
expected_output = row['output']
user_interaction_id=str(row['user_interaction_id']), input=row['input'],
information_retrieval=retrieved_documents, output=output, expected_output=expected_output,
steps=[Step(name="Rephrase", input=row['input'], output=rephrased_input)],
# Log the interactions into the Deepchecks' platform
app_name=APP_NAME, version_name="v1_gpt3.5",
env_type=EnvType.EVAL, interactions=interactions)
Production Integration
A simple question answering application with Stream Upload of production data.
from uuid import uuid4
from deepchecks_llm_client.client import DeepchecksLLMClient
from deepchecks_llm_client.data_types import EnvType, Step
from openai import OpenAI
DC_CLIENT = DeepchecksLLMClient(api_token="YOUR_API_TOKEN")
def _call_open_ai_with_prompt(user_msg):
response ="gpt-4o-mini", messages=[
{"role": "user", "content": [{"text": user_msg, "type": "text"}]}])
return response.choices[0].message.content
def rephrase_question(question):
"""Rephrase the user question and generate prompt for LLM call."""
prompt = f"Rephrase the below text into a well structured question:\n\n{question}"
rephrased_question = _call_open_ai_with_prompt(prompt)
DC_CLIENT.update_interaction(app_name=APP_NAME, version_name=VERSION_NAME, user_interaction_id=SESSION_ID, steps=[
Step(name="Question Rephrase", input=question, output=rephrased_question)], )
return rephrased_question
def get_ai_response(rephrased_question):
"""Sends a request to the OpenAI API and returns the response."""
answer = _call_open_ai_with_prompt(rephrased_question)
DC_CLIENT.update_interaction(app_name=APP_NAME, version_name=VERSION_NAME, user_interaction_id=SESSION_ID,
output=answer, is_completed=True)
return answer
if __name__ == "__main__":
while True:
user_input = input("Please enter your question: ")
SESSION_ID = uuid4().hex
DC_CLIENT.log_interaction(app_name=APP_NAME, version_name=VERSION_NAME, env_type=EnvType.PROD,
user_interaction_id=SESSION_ID, input=user_input, is_completed=False,
rephrased_question = rephrase_question(user_input)
answer = get_ai_response(rephrased_question)
print("\nAnswer:", answer)
Updated 7 days ago